
Symbian introduces its App Store, finally!

domingo, 1 de novembro de 2009 ·

Symbian introduces its App Store, finally!


With the major cellphone OS application stores already in place, why should the one having the largest market share be left out? We are talking about  Symbian. The platform has announced that its own application store is now ‘open’.

The announcement about the Symbian application store, dubbed Horizon, came at the annual Symbian Exchange and Exposition 2009. The “Horizon” is now live and currently has only 50 applications, with the promise of featuring “thousands of applications in 2010“. Apps for the  popular Facebook, Qik, Twitter and YouTube services are included in the current offerings.

Most cellphone manufacturers had already estimated the potential of a Symbian application store. So, there are application stores already in place like the Nokia Ovi Store, Samsung Application Store and Sony Ericsson’s PlayNow Arena. Also, stores from China Mobile (Mobile Market) and AT&T (MediaMall) offer Symbian apps.The good thing is that all the offerings from Horizon will be integrated in these application stores.

“We recognize that developers face many challenges in bringing their products to market on Symbian devices,” admitted Symbian Foundation executive director Lee Williams. “In particular, the diversity of application stores in our ecosystem increases the burden on developers by requiring multiple submission and review processes. But this diversity can also offer an advantage over competitors’ closed systems, where applications sometimes receive arbitrary or commercially motivated rejections. Symbian Horizon retains this advantage while reducing the burden by becoming a conduit to multiple stores, helping developers reach the largest global mobile market in the world more efficiently.”

Symbian is also working on revising its Symbian Signed process, which would allow the developers to add their applications to the Horizon store automatically. The developers would be registered online where they can edit their applications and developer profiles that will provide more details to apps buyers and developers.

Symbian would still be lagging the Apple application store by some 100,000 applications. But the huge market share may really help Symbian to compete with the big Apple.

via [TrustedReviews]

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