
Senseware lets you track temperature, drops, location and more of your parcel

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2009 ·

Senseware lets you track temperature, drops, location and more of your parcel

senseware fedex

FedEx is pushing the boundaries of consignment tracking beyond our beliefs. GPS tracking of a shipment is common and we have seen some experiments around that, with people leaving behind GPS navigators in shipments just for kicks. But Senseware costing $120 a month would let you do a lot more. You will be notified of the temperature, handling (drops), location and light exposure of your FedEx shipment, all live over the internet.

Currently in trial with 50 Fed-Ex clients, this isn’t the gadget you will use to track your wives birthday gift, but serious medical shipments like human organs would largely benefit from this. Of course businesses would love this once the pricing falls further. For the moment, you are free to speculate what the future of logistics can be.

Via Gizmodo
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