
Endless Racing Game: Where the car goes beyond your iPhone screen

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2009 ·

Endless Racing Game: Where the car goes beyond your iPhone screen


The “Endless Racing Game” is an iPhone App that is as amazing as it is fun. The game keeps jumping from one iPhone to another endlessly until the car reaches a finish line. The video promo (after the break) was developed by aligning several iPhones, resulting in a really cool iPhone game in action.

The developers (a Dutch online insurance company called VrijVerzekerd) claim that the endless gaming action can be achieved by using two or more handsets via Bluetooth. The game can also be played on a single-player mode, where if you reach the finish line within 60 seconds, the car will “jump” to the other connected iPhone handset.

The Endless Racing Game app is available for free from the AppStore.

[via iPhoneSavior]

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