
20,00,000 cellphones go dead over bad IMEI in India (includes our Spice Mobile)

terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2009 ·

20,00,000 cellphones go dead over bad IMEI in India (includes our Spice Mobile)

It is estimated that 20 million phones cellphones will go dead in India after the Department of Telecom’s move to ban GSM phones carrying an illegal IMEI number. We had alerted you yesterday on how to safeguard yourself and verify your cellphone’s IMEI, but we never imagined that the number of handsets going dead would be as high as 2 crore. 20 million is roughly 10% of India’s mobile market, that’s huge! On the flip side, this gets me to wonder about the scale of business these illegal Chinese handsets did in India…

And to add some ’spice’ to the whole issue, our own Spice Mobile D88n – which is a dual-sim phone – from a supposedly reputed manufacturer, has gone kaput over this IMEI issue. The handset now refuses to work on GSM :(

One reason I had bought this for my cousin was the pretty ladies advertising for Spice Mobile. Girls, you always leave me heartbroken …

katrina_kaif_spice_mobile_6 biz4

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